Patricia McMahon Rice specializes in fine art oil paintings in the Classical Realist tradition. While studying the classical methods and materials under the instruction of award winning artist Robert Liberace, she developed a deep appreciation for the centuries-old technique of painting with oil on copper. Oil paintings on copper have since become one of her specialties. Patricia is an active member in the Portrait Society of America, the International Guild of Realism and Oil Painters of America. Her paintings have won numerous awards.
- Acceleration (Great Shearwater)
- Aglow
- American Robin
- Canvasback - Drake
- Fishing on the James
- Going Courting
- Hummingbird 3
- Hummingbird 4
- Hummingbird 5
- On Whisper Mode (Great Horned Owl)
- Prothonotary Warbler
- The King and His Queen (wood duck hen & drake)
- Burrowing Owl
- Carolina Wren
- Chickadee
- Downy Woodpecker
- Downy Woodpecker in Ice Storm
- Eastern Bluebird
- Eastern Towhee
- Giving the Side Eye (Great Horned Owl)
- Goldfinch on Sunflower
- Great Horned Owl
- Hanging the Wash
- Hermit Thrush
- Hummingbird 1
- Hummingbird 2
- Northern Flicker Woodpecker
- Nuthatch
- Red Shafted Flicker
- Red Winged Blackbird
- Red-Headed Woodpecker
- Ruby Throated Hummingbird
- Screech Owl
- Sunflower Acrobatics - Goldfinch
- Tossing One Back
- Tufted Titmouse
- White Throated Sparrow
- White-Breasted Nuthatch
- Yellow Bellied Sapsucker
- Yellow-Belllied Sapsucker