Handford is a full time watercolorist. His work exhibits a freshness that is both graceful and winsome. He paints the essence of a subject, and eliminates that which detracts from the feeling or mood. He achieved Signature Member status in the National Watercolor Society in 2009 and in the American Watercolor Society in 2023. A life member of the Washington Society of Landscape Painters, he is also a member of the Transparent Watercolor Society of America (Master status), Watercolor West, and North East Watercolor Society.
- Beach Folks
- Boat Yard Blues
- Burning Brush
- Chesapeake Hideaway
- Chinatown
- Early Spring
- Early Winter
- Farmers Market
- Frequent Flyers
- Hillside Farm
- House by the Pond
- Lee and Culpeper
- Melting Snow
- Morning Beach Walk
- On the Bay
- Open Barn
- Port of Call
- Potomac in January
- Saint Martin
- San Juan Port of Call
- Shore Shadows
- Snowy Walk
- Street Corner in Asheville
- Sun on the Hay
- Three Amigos
- Tropical Getaway
- Valley Mist
- Vint Hill Road
- Weather Change
- Wet Fields
- A Day in the Valley
- A Peaceful Day
- Afternoon Shadows
- Breezy Day
- Coastal Maine
- Country Autumn
- Culpeper Street
- Exercise Time
- Farm Sheds
- Free Range Cattle
- Heavy Drinkers
- House in the Meadow
- Leesburg Barn
- Oyster Bay Lighthouse, Long Island, NY
- Passing Storm
- Resting on the Eastern Shore
- Snow Bound
- Sunlight and Shade
- Up and Out Boats
- Visiting Neighbors
- Wading and Drinking
- Weathered